Our Process For Creating Your Small Business Website

dallas small business marketing

Every small business needs a few key things to succeed, aside from a service or product people want! Even a one-person operation needs a marketing strategy, and that starts with a great looking website. A professional website helps show customers, clients, and investors alike that you’re a professional worth supporting. MDPM Small Business Marketing knows how to create an attractive, sleek site that elevates your strengths and fits in your budget! In today’s blog, we’re looking at the process of planning, designing, and building your custom website.


What A Custom Website Can Do For Your Small Business

U.S. Custom Website DesignWhile the number of cases of COVID-19 continues to rise in the midst of this global pandemic, it is no surprise that small businesses across the nation have become affected. Some businesses have grown, while others have not only lost business but lost employees as well. Now more than ever it is important for the growth and health of your small business that steps are taken to increase business, and the team at MDPM Small Business Marketing in Dallas, TX is here to help you do just that. A major contributor to increased business is an online presence, and a custom website is the first step to receiving more clicks.


Your Small Business Needs Social Media

Group of individuals on their cell phones with social media icons floating on the screen conceptually.Since the start of the pandemic, small businesses have been under tremendous and unprecedented strain. Operating on razor-thin margins already, now many have been forced to contend with a global crisis! How does a small enterprise continue to operate and communicate with their clients and customers? With a solid social media strategy and active online presence, a small company has the opportunity to talk to people, keep them updated, and even improve search engine optimization (SEO) along the way. In today’s blog, MDPM Small Business Marketing will explain how we use our social media, including a fun monthly kit, to allow you to stay active and engage customers online!


Better Content Is the Key to Better SEO

Laptop with 'Content' listed on it and concept art of clouds and a spaceship taking off.When you use a search engine, you rarely look beyond that first page or beyond the first few results on that page. We trust Google, Bing, and Yahoo to direct our queries to relevant results. But how do they accomplish this? Well, Google and other search engines put a focus on the quality of the content on a website and frequently upgrade their algorithms to narrow this focus on quality over simply picking up on a handful of keywords and calling it a day. This means the key to better SEO and improving your small business’ ability to be discovered online is to improve the kind of information you put on your website. Fortunately, MDPM Small Business Marketing understands how to help improve your online marketing plan with content-focused SEO.


The Key to Reviews and Website Visits? Social Media!

Finger touching phone with social media concept and dark backgroundThese are uncertain times, as the spread of COVID-19 means that while some states are opening and returning to normalcy, others may close again. As a small business owner, your margins are thinner than ever and the pressure from the pandemic means attracting new clients and customers is essential for your continued success. Fortunately, MDPM Small Business Marketing knows how to implement social media strategies that not only drive clicks to your website but also help attract reviews and hopefully, purchases. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at how social media content is the key to reviews and how you should not only attract them but respond to them as well.


A Redesign Helps Improve Your Small Business’ SEO Efforts

Redesign word written on wood block on wooden tableAs a small business, a successful search engine optimization (SEO) plan is critical for spreading the word about your products and ensuring customers are finding (and purchasing) your merchandise. This means in order to appeal to search engine algorithms, keep up with shifts in design trends, and remain responsive to changes in technology, you need to keep your small business website updated. However, most sites are outdated after just three to four years. Fortunately, MDPM Small Business Marketing knows how to redesign websites to better communicate with Google and showcase your products and services in their best possible light. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at the importance of a redesign and the updates we can offer, including a mobile-first approach.


Your Small Business Needs a GMB Page

Small business owner in casual clothing and grey apron standing at entrance of coffee shop and looking at camera.Most small business owners understand the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) and social media for reaching an audience and helping your business grow. While setting up a Facebook page or Instagram account is important, even more vital is setting up and managing an active Google My Business (GMB) page. In today’s blog, MDPM Small Business explains the many ways having a GMB page can help with reputation management, and the special services we provide to ensure you make the most of your page!


Let’s Build a Custom Website for Your Small Business

Woman multi-tasking typing on her desktop while on the phoneAs a small business, you have a lot of hard work ahead of you. After all, you often have to compete with larger businesses with bigger advertising budgets, and you have to find ways to get the word out about your business. In addition, when people look you up online, you need to make sure what you have represents you (and looks professional). The good news? A lot of these goals can be accomplished with a great custom website! In today’s blog, MDPM Small Business Marketing is looking at the benefits of a custom build and explaining the step-by-step process of crafting one for our clients.


Providing Greater Website Security for Small Businesses

person typing on laptop with blue background and lock icon in a hexagon appearing on the screen.As a small business, your clients and customers depend on you to safeguard their data, and that includes passwords and even payment information. Losing this valuable data to a breach or attack from common cyber threats hurts your reputation, and in turn, hurts your company’s ability to grow and attract new clientele. Fortunately, at MDPM Small Business Marketing, our team knows how to build in defenses to help protect valuable data and important information when we create a custom website.
